Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 2 of this thing that is so not me, but I feel God calling me to do sooooo I'm hoping He'll write through my fingers. A Day in the Life is meant to encourage us married ladies. I know 99% of us are all going through, have been ,or will go through pretty much the same craziness in our marriages and I so badly want women to know they are not alone and their marriage is NOT over just because you aren't getting along. A friend of mine the other day told me her husband told her he didn't love her anymore. My first worldly thought is "What a jerk!!! How could you be so blind, don't you see how beautiful she is. You are one lucky jerk!", then I caught myself and remembered all of the times God has gently spoken to me and said "He doesn't mean it, that is his hurt speaking, or his pride, or his insecurities, etc." When I can get past my worldly self and get back to where God can whisper into my ear, I can so often get back to that place where God has called each of us wives, which is a place of respect. We all think, "How can I possibly respect my husband who just told me he doesn't love me?". I'm here to tell you, "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!" I so vividly remember one day my husband had said something so ugly to me, I didn't know how to respond, so I just ran. When I finally came to my senses and realized I couldn't keep running forever (though I tried for a very long time-mentally obviusly not physically), I fell to my knees and asked God to please show me how to respect my husband.
I find it so interesting that God doesn't tell us women to LOVE our husbands. He tells us to RESPECT them. I think He tells us that because He knows we will always love even the unlovable thing/person, it is in our God given nature, to love and nurture. But, it is not so easy for us women to RESPECT. There are days I have to go back and google the word so I can remember what it means. Wikipedia says respect is "Respect denotes both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected (e.g., "I have great respect for her judgment"). It can also be conduct in accord with a specific ethic of respect. Rude conduct is usually considered to indicate a lack of respect, whereas actions that honor somebody or something indicate respect." Notice here that is says there is a specific action or conduct that represent the positive feeling/esteem. So it goes back, how we act towards our husband that reflects how we respect him.
Just the other night my husband was working on a project with my son. I knew he had not read the specific instructions for the project, however it was our fourth or fifth year doing the same project. I prayed that I would stay out of it, knowing full well that if I butted in it would show disrespect for my husband. I did really well for about 70% of the time. But, guess what?! I BLEW IT!!!! I meandered into the kitchen, listening to what they were doing and just couldn't hold my tongue. I blurted out "That's not how you do it. The instructions say........" Even now, 4 days later, I am still baffled at myself. I knew I shouldn't say anything, yet I did it anyway. What was the outcome, you say? Well, he stormed off, saying "If you want it done your way, you do it". I must say a part of me (that worldly part again) thought "well good, now I get to do it my way", but my real self was crushed. Why did I do that? Why didn't I hold my tongue? Why did I go into the kitchen? Long story-short. I came back and profusely apologized, acknowledging what I did was wrong and reminded him that I love him and was so thankful he was willing to help. Now, I'm still on the road to asking God to guide my every word, my every facial expression, my every gesture. I so deeply want to portray a spirit of respect for my husband, yet I let myself get in God's way time and time again.
Ladies, we will keep taking one day at a time. But I encourage you today, no matter where you are in your relationship. Pray for wisdom and for God to help you with those specific actions that reflect the respect that you have (or will have with God's grace) for your husband.
In His Service,

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